Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter (Candy) Aye Aye Aye

Question of the day, did I eat Easter Candy.....well...umm....uhhh...YES. I did unfortunately and maybe not so much. I bought my kids a VERY limited amount of candy this year for their baskets. They each received a small snack size packet of M&Ms and a small snack size bag of Cadbury Chocolate Eggs (MY FAVORITE). Well, Sarah, why did you buy your kids YOUR favorite Easter candy? I'm still not sure. I do know, I was able to talk myself out of it ALL day.....until this afternoon. I had a sweet tooth and I normally do not struggle with this. Today, it could not be stopped. I tried all of the following self talks:
1. You don't need it. 
2. Is this worth the great taste that will only last 30 seconds but the results will last forever
3. If you do, you will feel shame and will have to share on Facebook.
My inner toddler would not listen to the self talk.
I GAVE IN. I said to myself, I'll just have 1 Cadbury mini egg. 7 Cadbury mini eggs later, I wondered why I allowed myself "only 1" to begin with.

I beat myself up for 10 minutes, but moved on. Looking forward.

1. Do no buy your kids Easter candy or do not buy YOUR favorite Easter candy.
2. I am stronger that I realize and am still not the same person I used to be. I ONLY ate 7. In the past, in all my shame, I would have finished the bag. I didn't.

I stopped and realized I perhaps should not have eaten any since sugar makes you want more sugar. I realized my strength in a moment of weakness. I understand that there will be times where I will give into weakness. The key is to not allow the "temporary moment of weakness" to take on a permanent face. Pick up. Move on. Don't Look back.

Happy Easter

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