Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wait.....How many Zumba classes was I consuming?

I pulled into the McDonald's drive through this morning on my way home from Zumba. As I pulled in, I had a flood of thoughts. Strangely it felt a little like home. I felt a tinge of comfort. I wondered if "my friends" at the window would recognize me and wonder where I've been. You see, I was frequenting McDonald's five days a week for breakfast. Breakfast of Champions? -- hardly. I was ADDICTED to crap. I was eating 2 breakfast sandwiches on most days. On the days where I was going to be "Stressed" or "Deserved" it, I would pick up a third breakfast sandwich. I washed it down with 1-2 large diet cokes. Thank goodness it was diet with all of those breakfast calories. AND I was eating vegetarian, that counts for something right? Embarrassment would usually overcome me as I would pull up morning after morning, only for the same people to greet me. That was not enough to stop me. "What are they thinking about me?" "They must recognize me." This morning, my most overwhelming thought.....UNCOMFORTABLE. What was the new me doing in a McDonald's drive through you ask? I wanted to pick up a strawberry banana smoothie for my husband who was home sick. Over the past 3 days I burned a combined total of 1864 calories doing Zumba alone. McDonald's now has calories noted below each food item on their menu. I WAS MORTIFIED as I started adding up the breakfast calories consumed for breakfast in my past life. Ready for this? Might want to hide under a table because this is SCARY! I was killing myself one breakfast at a time.

Old Me
Daily Breakfast Counts
Calories: 1170 of my 1400-1600 daily recommended
Sodium: 3265 mg of my 2300 daily recommended (WOOPS)
Fat: 53 grams
Cost: $8.50

Weekly Counts
Calories: 5850
Sodium: 16325 mg
Fat: 265 grams
Cost: $42.50

Monthly Counts
Calories: 29250
Sodium: 81625 mg
Fat: 1325 grams
Cost: $212.50

Yearly Counts
Calories: 304200
Sodium: 848900 mg
Fat: 13780 grams
Cost: $2210.00

New Me
Daily Breakfast Counts
Calories: 200-300
Sodium: 400-500mg
Fat: 0-10 grams
Cost: $2.00

Weekly Counts
Calories: 1000-1500
Sodium: 2000-2500mg
Fat: 0-50 grams
Cost: $10.00

Monthly Counts
Calories: 5000-7500
Sodium: 10000-12500mg
Fat: 0-250 grams
Cost: $50.00

Yearly Counts
Calories: 52000 - 78000
Sodium: 104000-130000mg
Fat: 0-2600 grams
Cost: $520.00

With those sodium levels alone, I was headed on a straight path to a heart attack. How many Zumba classes was I eating? I was eating 2 Zumba classes EVERY DAY for breakfast. Zumba is NO JOKE. It is one of the toughest things I have done in a very long time. I cannot imagine doing 2 Zumba classes a day to keep up with my eating. How many Zumba classes are you eating? What are some healthy exchanges you can make? YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH MORE!!!!



  1. I love your real ness Sarah, & I can relate on so many levels! You are an inspiration to so many! Love you!

  2. Sarah - Everyone, YES EVERYONE that reads this will think twice about how to apply the lessons you are teaching us to our own lives. You are amazing girl! Love you.

  3. Wow, puts some things in perspective!
