Wednesday, May 1, 2013

GET OUTTA Here old me

Today was a test. I had plenty of OLD excuses to choose from. Here are a few:
1. I was exhausted when I woke up
2. I turned off my alarm
3. I couldn't find my bike shorts so had to wear pants and be hot
4. The only sports bra I could find that early in the morning is VERY tight. We're talking "fat man in a little coat" tight
5. I got to the gym a little later than I wanted
6. The class was pretty full
7. I forgot my water bottles in my car. The old me would have gone out to the car mid-class and left

The New Me combated those excuses:
1. I would be more exhausted throughout the day if I didn't go. GET UP AND GO
2. I jumped out of bed when I realized that I was trying to slip back to my old ways
3. I wore the pants and thought, "If I'm hotter, I'll sweat more". ROLL EM' UP and deal with it!
4. At least I would be "well supported"
5. So I had to jog through the parking lot, not a bad thing
6. More people to witness this awesomeness on a bike....just kiddin' (kinda)
7. I did interval training. I got off the bike and jogged to my car to get the water bottles and went back in.

Your excuses only become excuses if you let them. Otherwise they are just obstacles you have to work a little harder to overcome.


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