Wednesday, May 8, 2013


It is being revealed to me more and more how much my old lifestyle impacted my family. Ashleigh, my five year old, came to me last night and asked, "Mom, are you sure you are going to keep being healthy? I really don't want you to die soon." I cannot tell you how much that shook me to my core. In the past, she has seen me try and fail. She is still at the point where she wants to trust that it is going to stick, but is not certain. I wish she and everyone else in my life could see what is going on inside of me. Yes, the actions and steps I am taking are a reflection of that, but I am on FIRE. I am never going back. This time IS different. I am not trying get thin quick schemes. I am putting blood, sweat and tears into this. All I can do is keep showing by example. I love my family and my reminders. This is for real!!!


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