Saturday, May 18, 2013

Keep Fighting - Double Meaning

Woke up this morning, laced up my shoes, getting ready for a race. This 5K was unlike any others. This 5K is the Keep Fighting 5K. The Go Mitch Go foundation raises money to help find a cure for child Leukemia. As mentioned a while back, I have a new found motivation to work out and get healthy to honor those whose lives were taken without their control, much too soon. Right before Mitch died, his last words were "Keep Fighting". He fought hard, but the Leukemia took him home to the Lord much too soon. 

This 5K today was very hilly, grass, muddy, rocky and pure ankle twisting. I twisted my ankles a couple of times, but kept hearing "Keep Fighting" ringing in my ears. I pushed hard, did the work, and beat my goal of under 45 minutes. That may seem slow to many, but to me, I can say that I GAVE IT ALL I HAD up until the very end.

Not only will I keep fighting in my own personal life and for my health, I will keep fighting for others. I will be your supporter, your fan, your shoulder, your motivator, your encourager, your example.

Can't think of a better way to celebrate my two month healthy me anniversary than to get the day started with a 5k for a good cause. #keepfighting

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