Sunday, May 19, 2013

Blog Unveiling

I'm about to post my blog and there have been a couple of things holding me back from completely putting myself out there.ALL.THE.WAY. I have been struggling with whether or not to share my weight and / or weight loss photos. I have decided, I am ready to share my weight. I'm not quite ready to share the pictures yet. If you chose to judge, please keep it to yourself. I think sharing my weight is going to accomplish 2 things:

1. Help me release the remainder of the shame that is left so I can go FULL FORCE on my journey

2. Help me help others who are my size to realize THEY CAN DO IT TOO!!!!!

My starting weight: 258 lbs
My current weight: 231.8 lbs
Goal Weight: 135 lbs

Welcome to my life, my journey, my strengths, my weaknesses, my raw emotions. Welcome to me.


  1. Sarah - I am SO proud of you! I've always struggled with doing well (with exercise and food) for a few weeks (or days...) and then slipping back into my old ways. You've truly inspired me to commit. As I was running yesterday, I thought about you a lot and ended up running more than I usually do!! Keep up the good work and keep inspiring! Rhonda

  2. Thank you for your response Rhonda! I'm very proud of you too! You all keep inspiring me to keep going. I know that I have so many people following me now that I can't stop. Not only can I not let you all down, I can't let myself down. Keep it up!!! Every.last.step.
