Friday, May 3, 2013

6 week weigh in

Pounds Lost this week: 3.2
Pounds to Lose: 102.4 (only five more 20s to lose)
Pounds Lost: 20.6 total
What weighs 20 pounds: An automobile tire. WHAT!!!!!
Weekly Fitness
Walk/Run: 14.26 miles
Spin Class: 2 hours
Zumba Class: 1 hour
Body Pump: 1 hour
Elliptical: 50 minutes
Stationary Bike: 15 minutes
Benefits Felt
1. Jogging in longer spurts during walk/jog
2. Able to site side by side with Katelyn on a recliner without overlapping
3. More clothes are getting lose
4. Others are noticing the weight loss
5. Able to bend down easy peasy to tie my shoes
6. Able to push my girls on the swings at the park and be active with them instead of sitting on the sidelines
7. Katelyn has noticed the weight loss and has made comments
8. No more fear of dying or heart attack

Lessons Learned
1. The calorie zigzag seemed to work this week
2. The final number is not as important as the benefits felt along the way. Don't forget to celebrate those
3. What other people think of me is none of my business. Thanks Elizabeth for that
4. My image of myself is going to take a while to catch up with how I feel on the inside

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