Friday, May 31, 2013

Forever Trek, NOT a morning hike

Week 10 Weigh in:
Weight: 227.2
Pounds Lost this week: 4!!!!!!!!
Pounds to Lose: 92.2
Pounds Lost Total: 30.8
What weighs 30 pounds: 32 inch flat screen TV

I am VERY teary this morning for a different reason. I am proud, empowered, frustrated and angry all at the same time. I am proud for obvious reasons. I am angry and frustrated that I let myself get this big. BUT I am moving forward. This week was tough mentally. After losing so little last week, I had to keep moving forward. Thank you for all of the encouragement last week to look ahead and remind me that this is an entire trek and not a 30 minute hike. Thank you for the hope you brought back to me.

Why this week is so monumental
In the past, I would have looked at the scale and said, "FORGET THIS". No way am I going to keep working this hard to show this little improvement. I would have gone back to my old ways, only to look at my efforts in the rear view mirror as I was peeling out and driving away from them. What I didn't realize last time was that this is a lifetime of hiking and not a morning stroll. I get that now, and I am very thankful for that realization. This is the very key to my success.

Weekly Fitness
Walk/Run: 8.78 miles
Zumba Class: 3 hours
Arm Weight Circuit: 40 minutes
Treadmill: 1.5 hours


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