Saturday, May 18, 2013

2 Month Reflection

Weight Loss Total: 26.2 pounds
Inches Lost Total: 19.5
Achievements: Two 5Ks

CANNOT believe it has been 2 months. Some days it feels as though it has been years and others if feels as though it has been days. When I first made the decision of my life to change it, I knew it would be different this time. I knew I wouldn't fail. I knew I had this. Even with all of that confidence, I find myself having to pinch myself and wonder if this is for real. The old me would have failed by now. My longest success was always about 2 months. I've tried Atkins, Weight Watchers, South Beach, Dexitrim, laxatives, and calorie counting. All ended the same. FAILURE. I have found the magic formula and it is simply this:
eat right x exercise x loving yourself x routine = SUCCESS

I am still VERY tempted by my old habits. I was eating out 2x a day (most days). Do you think that taste for fast food went away that quickly? UM no. Not even close. Every time I drive by McDonald's or Taco Bell (my 2 old favs) I have to have a talk with my inner toddler. I ask my inner toddler, "How bad do you want that" "How bad do you want this". Anytime I walk into an old establishment I have to put on the new me before I walk in. If people could hear the self talk that goes on inside of me, they would think I was truly nuts. The self talk is hourly, daily, monthly. It goes on and on, and will continue throughout my entire journey which is FOREVER. 

Questions I have to ask myself DAILY:
1. How bad do you want this
2. Will the taste of "XYZ unhealthy food" for 10 seconds be worth the backwards motion
3. Do you want to throw your workout out the window by giving into your temptations
4. Why do you want this
5. What are the benefits of the new lifestyle vs. the old lifestyle

Moving Forward
In month 3, I look forward to my endurance increasing. More races. Getting rid of more clothes. Wearing a swimsuit. Inspiring many.


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