Thursday, May 2, 2013

No looking back - New found reason

Things just got REALLY Real
I don't know about ya'll but I have some major clarity when I'm running. 99.99% of the time I don't wear head phones so I can listen to my feet on the pavement and the voice of God. I get real with God. He gets real with me. Tonight I heard Him SCREAMING a message to me. One I'll live for. One I will never forget. One I'll keep fighting for. "Sarah, you were committing suicide with food and lifestyle. There are millions of young ones and children that lose their lives too soon. They don't have a choice. This is something YOU have control over. Don't leave your family. Keep going. Honor those who did not have a chance at life. Don't throw this away."

I did not run an organized race tonight, I did not have a crowd of people cheering me on. I did not receive a medal. I did not cross a finish line.

I did run half of the 3 miles. This should not have been possible with the amount I've been able to run lately (not very much). God gave me a strength tonight that is WELL beyond my understanding. I did receive the message loud and clear. I have a NEW purpose. I will never give up. I will keep fighting for those that didn't have a chance. I will keep fighting for those that can't. I will keep moving for those that can't anymore. I will do this for my family. I will do this for ME. I heard you God. I will honor you. I will not quit.


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