Friday, May 17, 2013

8 week weigh in

Pounds Lost this week: 2.4
Pounds to Lose: 96.8 
Pounds Lost Total: 26.2
What weighs 26 pounds: An average 2 year old. This made me get emotional. Can you imagine carrying around a 2 year old - ALL THE TIME? My body is saying THANK YOU for putting down the 2 year old.

Weekly Fitness
Walk/Run: 13.15 miles 
Zumba Class: 1 hour
Elliptical: 25 minutes
Cycling: 15 minutes
Treadmill: 25 minutes
Benefits Felt1. More clothes to chose from2. Able to stop and check myself out in reflections, instead of dodging them3. Endurance increasing4. Mile is getting faster
Frustrations and Pitfalls1. Calorie deficits this week should have produced more pounds lost2. Comparing my journey to others journeys and getting frustrated, losing focus on my journey3. Weighed myself daily and several times a day. This REALLY messed with my head
Lesson Learned1. Yes, I did give into a temptation and had a small piece of cheese pizza that I had for the girls last night. But I stopped in my pity party tracks and took advice that I've given to friends. Celebrate your strengths in your weak moments. What was to celebrate you ask? Well, I would normally take the biggest piece that was left. This time, I took the smallest piece, which was pretty small. I stopped at one piece and walked away. I put it all away in the refrigerator and did not touch anymore. My calorie deficit yesterday was still 1700 even with the cheese pizza.
2. My journey is NOT your journey and your journey is NOT my journey. We are different people on different paths toward the same goal. HEALTH. It is OK if I am not losing as fast as others. It is a LIE to think that I am failing because of this. I am NOT failing. I AM WINNING.
3. I need to rework my calorie plan/intake. I had enough deficit this week to lose twice what I lost. I need to try to determine what the problem is and tweak somethings.
Ready for Month 3 - LET'S DO THIS!!!!!

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