Monday, May 20, 2013

Keep your yourself

As I was strolling the isles of the grocery store this morning I couldn't help but wonder, "Why did I let myself get to this point?" I have tried MANY times and have failed. I was thinking how often I make promises to others and KILL myself to keep the promises I make. I over commit and will often lose sleep, stress out, and become CRAZY women to keep my promises. Why then was I not keeping promises to myself? I would often say, I'm going to start Monday. For most of us, if someone asked for a favor TODAY, we would sacrifice to help them out. Why are Mondays so popular when starting a new life change? Why was I not starting TODAY. Why was I not important enough to keep promises to myself?

I'm here today to tell you, WE ARE THAT IMPORTANT! We matter. Without health, what do we have? Our health is the core of all that we are and all that we do. If we do not take care of ourselves, who is going to?

Steps to get to this point:

1. Reflect on why you are where you are. What decisions have you made to this point to get to where you are.

2. Reflect on reasons why you love yourself and why you are worth it

3. Make a promise to yourself, that you intend to keep

4. Pick 1 thing to change this week to make yourself healthier

  • Move more. If you are not walking, commit to walking at least 10 minutes every day this week. If you can't walk 10 minutes, walk 5 minutes. If you can't walk, swim. If you can't swim, bike. If you can't bike, crawl.
  • Whatever it takes to MOVE.
  • Cut back on soda
  • Cut back on sugar
  • Incorporate more weights
  • Get more sleep

5. Ensure your changes match where YOU are AT THIS MOMENT. DO NOT compare yourself to Jillian Michaels and expect to succeed. YOU ARE YOU and that is COOL!

Every.last.step - Make it COUNT!

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