Friday, May 10, 2013

7 week weigh in

Pounds Lost this week: 3.2
Pounds to Lose: 99.2 (under 100 pounds to lose!!!!!)
Pounds Lost: 23.8 total
What weighs 23 pounds: Amount of Pizza an average American eats every year... 

Weekly Fitness
Walk/Run: 18.14 miles 
Zumba Class: 1 hour
Core: 30 minutes
Elliptical: 20 minutes

Benefits Felt
1. Jogging in longer spurts during walk/jog
2. Gaining more confidence in myself
3. Can walk up and down stairs easy
4. Foot pain diminishing
5. Nutrition Control is much easier

Lessons Learned
1. It is taking a lot more to burn calories. Going to lower my caloric intake some
2. I am a lot tougher than I ever thought
3. There are a lot of FUN ways to burn calories and Zumba is one of them

Ready for week 8!!!!

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