Friday, May 24, 2013

Week 9 Weigh In.......the elephant in the room

Week 9 Weigh in:
Weight: 231.2
Pounds Lost this week: .6 (NOT A TYPO)
Pounds to Lose: 96.2
Pounds Lost Total: 26.8

Let's just address the elephant in the room already. Why did I only lose .6 pounds? My calorie defecit this week was 11595 (breaks down to approx 3.3 pounds). UGGGHHHH I am VERY teary and frustrated this morning. I have run through all of the below drills in my head:
1. It's a journey, it takes time
2. You didn't put it on overnight and you won't take it off overnight
3. Muscle weighs more than fat (which it doesn't by the way. 1 pound is 1 pound is 1 pound)
4. You still lost
5. 3500 calorie deficit does not AUTOMATICALLY equal 1 pound
6. Don't focus on your weight, focus on your health.

BUT the one that stuck and finally pulled me more out of my funk is that, I AM REAL. I am not a fantasy. My journey is just that a human journey. How can others truly be inspired by me if they don't get to experience shortcomings as well as successes. I do consider this a shortcoming even though I still lost. I had set an expectation for myself and fell short. YES IT DOES STINK. YES I WANT TO THROW A TANTRUM. YES I WANT PEOPLE TO SAY, THIS STINKS.But I have to keep moving forward.

I could spend all day trying to figure it out, googling weight loss plateaus, pointing my finger and placing blame. BUT I CHOSE to move on and look toward next week.

What are some things I can keep in mind going into next week:
2. Lower sodium intake (Did you know cottage cheese has 460mg of sodium per serving)
3. Work on core and balance so I can move to weight training
4. Don't have a specific number of pounds I want to lose at the beginning of the week. Focus on being healthy.

Weekly Fitness
Walk/Run: 12.34 miles
Zumba Class: 3 hours
Elliptical: 5 minutes
Cycling: 10 minutes
Treadmill: 45 minutes

This is still my journey. I am still fabulous and I am looking ahead and moving forward.

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