Monday, April 1, 2013

Start of Week 3 (This is becoming a habit ya'll)

Long Term Fitness Goal Announcement
MARATHON!!! What, you crazy girl--no way. Ummm Yes-way. My long term fitness goal to celebrate my weight loss and new life style will be for me to compete in a Marathon. Event to be determined. Details to Follow

Blog / Website Update
I have started my blog / website. I will have a website that includes my blog. As the website progresses, it will include healthy recipes, exercises, other weight loss blogs, inspirational quotes, before/after pictures and other fun and exciting things...

Week Fitness Goals:
Monday - Walk/Jog: 2.0 Miles; Gym: Eliptical 40 minutes
Tuesday - Walk / Jog 2.0 Miles; Gym: Spin Class
Wednesday - Walk / Jog 2.0 Miles; Gym: Body Pump / Core CX Works
Thursday - Walk / Jog 2.0 Miles; Gym: Easy Spin 20 minutes
Friday - Walk / Jog 2.0 Miles; Gym: Eliptical 30 minutes
Saturday - Walk / Jog 3.0 Miles
Sunday- Off

Week Eating Goals:
1. I've determined I need to raise my daily intake of calories, a TOUCH. Not too much, but enough. I am still battling some hunger in the afternoon. These calories will be nutrition dense.
2. Water Intake has been TANKING. I am used to drinking so much diet soda that I need to remember I really need to increase my water intake. I will ensure I get the necessary amount every day this week.

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