Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Note to fitness instructors, coaches, personal trainers, or wanna be any of those

Don't say the following to larger people in your class, WE ALREADY KNOW:
1. "Lose that wiggle in your mid-section"
2. "Stop being lazy, push harder"
3. You're going too slow

These are all so negative and do not inspire one bit. Guess what:
1. I know I need to lose the wiggle in my mid-section. That's why I stepped into your class.
2. I know it appears as though I'm not pushing as hard as everyone else. It's not because I don't have the fight in me. I am trying not to injure myself so I won't give up. In fact, I probably have more fight in me than most people here.
3. YOU DON'T KNOW ME! You don't know what is going through my head every step I take.
4. You don't know that despite the pouring rain and me having to carry my five year old through the parking lot, I STILL parked in the very last parking spot to make EVERY.LAST.STEP count.
5. You don't know that I am working out 2x a day most days of the week.
6. You don't know that I am not the same I once was.

Your words are NOT motivating, they tear down, discourage and would have made me want to throw in the towel (if it were me 2 weeks and 3 days ago). Instead, I stayed, I pushed, I fought, I hurt, I sweat and I will step into your class again. Never will I be the same again.

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