Sunday, April 21, 2013

Weekly Reflections: Nutrition

Weight loss is 70% diet and 30% exercise. Working out takes a mental toughness beyond any other. A physical strength (everyone has their own level) beyond compare and a drive that cannot be stopped. Thought to self: If I am working this hard on the outside, WHY in the world would I want to trash the inside by choosing to not eat healthy. 

Note: I am not lecturing, guilting, belittling, or judging. I am on this journey too. I am passionate about getting information out there and showing others that they have what it takes and to believe. This week, I will be posting 1 myth/fact each day about nutrition and eating healthy. These are ALL myths that I have believed up until now. I am not a physician, nutritionist, personal trainer and do not claim to be. I AM someone who is learning as she goes and does not want others to continue to believe lies they've been taught.

Myth 1: Eating healthy is expensive

Fact: Of my 2 hour shopping trip, I spent most of my time in the produce section. My items were about 2/3 produce (fruits/veggies). The outside of the store is where most of the healthy items are maintained. Unloading the cart, was a bit nerve wracking. The final total bill estimates were running through my head. I thought FOR SURE this is going to be one of the most expensive shopping trips of my life. To my shock and dismay, it was actually CHEAPER than buying processed/boxed foods. Even if it does sometimes cost more and take time to shop healthy and read labels, I'd much rather spend my time and money educating myself and my daughters during a shopping trip than in an emergency room and at doctor's visits because I chose not to educate myself and eat healthy.

1. Buy produce when in season. There are websites that outline when produce is in season. It is MUCH cheaper this way.

2. I've seen websites where you can plug in ingredients and it spits out a recipe. Make what is cheap and in season.

3. You DON'T need several sides at one meal. Limit the number of sides. Every night is not Thanksgiving.

4. Make eating out a "treat". That way, you are cooking the food and you know what is in it. Every restaurant does not have a nutritional guide. Takes the guesswork out. Plus you save money.

Love you. Empower you. Respect You.

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