Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Healthy Eating Myth #3

My kids/spouse will never eat this stuff if I cook it

When we first started eating healthier, there were protests. "This food is disgusting." "Why can't we have macaroni and cheese." "I wan't peanut butter and jelly". Our response, "This is what is for dinner. If you are really hungry you will eat what is on your plate. You do not have to eat everything on your plate, but you have to try one bite." Last night we had mushroom, zucchini and squash pita pockets." I thought for sure our girls would not eat it. But rules are rules, and I put it on their plates. They both eventually took a bite and said, "Wow, this looks gross but it tastes so good." Katelyn now is reading labels and taking after us. Model for your family the way you want them to go. IT WORKS!!!! One of my convictions has been, "I am the one that cooks around here. What I make and put on their plates, they eat. I love them WAY too much to put junk in their bodies."

Keep at it, they will not starve themselves, I promise.

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