Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend Struggle (they happen)

So this weekend, I began to struggle a bit. Not with my eating, not with my exercising, but with my mental state. This is my first experience during my new lifestyle where I've had to cope with the dreaded monthly visitor. I knew it was going to happen, and sure enough, it reared its head this weekend. My thoughts? When am I ever going to lose all this weight. I know, I know, it's a process. It takes time. You'll get there soon enough. You didn't put it on overnight and it's not going to come off overnight. I know all the things that people normally tell you. 

Why does this happen
I am a completely new person on the inside. I am a fit and healthy person now, who treats her body with respect and feeds it to match. I am also exercising and caring for my body like one that loves herself. The frustration comes when the outside of my body does not match the inside. Since I have come to terms with my weight, and I now see it for what it is, I SEE IT ALL!!!! I am working VERY hard to make the outside reconcile with who I now am on the inside

Tips for others struggling
Continue to love yourself. Forgive yourself. Respect yourself. Give yourself time. Repeat positive thoughts. How did I get through? I repeated positive thoughts to myself. I reminded myself that I am a new person. I drew from my inner strength that is no longer hiding under my shame. I fought thorugh, I stayed strong, I ate well and I exercised. I had to weigh myself this morning to show myself not only CAN I do this, I AM still doing this. No mater how much my daily mental may change, I am still doing this. I lost 2 pounds just this weekend. Don't stop just becuase you have an off day. KEEP GOING!!! You are worth it! Every.last.step

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