Friday, April 26, 2013

Week 5 Weigh In

Pounds Lost: 17.4
What weighs 17 pounds: A bald eagle carrying a chihuahua 
Inches Lost: 10

Weekly Fitness
Walk/Run: 13.22 miles 
Eliptical: 1 hours
Zumba: 1 hour
Yoga: 30 minutes

Benefits Felt
1. OFF ANTIDEPRESSANTS after being on them for over 17 years - I am now med free
2. Jogging in longer spurts during walk/jog
3. Empowered
4. Energy level is up
5. Stress level lower
6. Skin is more clear
7. Brain is more sharp and thinking is clear
8. I see the world in a brighter light
9. Getting out of the car when parked close to another is not a challenge any longer
10. Daughters asked me to never go back to being unhealthy again. 

Struggles (got to keep it real)
1. Boredom on the machines
How to combat: Joining more classes

2. Focused on the big picture and the end goal too much this week. Felt discouraged
How to combat: Meditated on what I needed to do THAT day to keep on track

3. Calorie deficit should have caused 4 lbs weight loss this week
How to combat: Calorie zigzag (look it up). I was getting too low of a calorie amount and my body was going into starvation. Have increased my calories (nutrition dense foods).

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