Friday, April 5, 2013

End of Week 3

Pounds Lost: 10 (no that wasn't a typo)
Pounds to Lose: 112
What weighs 10 pounds: chemical additives an American consumes each year 

Weekly Motto
Changed from "I can do this" to, "I AM doing this"

Weekly Reflections
This week was all about reflecting on what brought me to this point. What was the big change that sparked it all. The big change......I learned to love myself. I was able to learn to love myself because I was able to, in my mind, separate my weight with who I am. They are NOT one in the same. I had so much shame with my weight issue, that I was not able to "Shine" and be who God created me to be. I am amazed DAILY at the changes I am feeling after just 10 pounds lost and 3 weeks of exercise (mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically). I am FIGHTING for my life, health, freedom, and quality of life. Since I learned to love myself, that is a fight well worth it.

Benefits Felt so Far
1. I do not dread lifting up either of my girls to hold them. Even my 7 year old. They both ask me to hold them and I always say, "Can daddy? I can't lift you". Not anymore. My strength is gaining by the day.
2. When going to pick up the trash cans at the curb this week, I started to tear as I realized I was jogging down to get them. Without even realizing. In the past I would have been huffing and puffing.
3. It is OK to have down time. It is hard mentally for me to skip a day, because in the PAST, I would skip a day and that day would turn into 2, into 10, into forever. I realized, I am navigating this ship. If I CHOOSE to take a day, it does not mean this ship is going to get control of me. I am still in control. It is GOOD to rest.
4. My body does not hurt and ache like it used to. That is just 10 pounds. If 10 pounds lost can do this, imagine what 122 pounds can do.
5. THE MOST IMPORTANT BENEFIT: I am able to love my husband and my daughters more fully. When you don't love yourself, you really cannot love others the way God designed. The love seems so much more vivid. Hard to explain but felt every day.

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