Thursday, April 25, 2013

Healthy Eating Myth #5

If a food says low fat, it is the better option for you

I challenge you to read the labels of 2 identical foods (Low fat version vs. regular version) the next time you are in the grocery store. Just because it says low fat, does not make it automatically healthier than the other version. In order to make up for the fat that is taken out, they then load them with salt and cheap carbohydrates. Your body NEEDS healthy fats that are found in Avocados, Almonds, certain Nut butters, etc. Don't completely cut fat out and replace it with sodium and other additives. It is NOT better for you. I bought into this lie for YEARS.

1. When going to the grocery store, make sure you have enough time to read labels of foods you are buying. Educate yourself. Education of this type is free
2. Use the internet to gain knowledge on nutritional values of foods. 
3. Talk to your doctor and get tips on healthy eating. 

Remember. You. Are. Worth it!!!!!!

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