Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Healthy Eating Myth #4

It takes too long to cook healthy

It takes longer to drive to a fast food joint or other restaurant to pick up food then to cook yourself. I could easily spend 30 minutes (round trip/waiting in line) driving to a junk food joint then just cooking the meal myself. You have two options: 

1. You can either spend some time now, cooking yourself something that your body will thank you for

2. Wast time and money at doctor appointments later on in life, because you didn't take the time now to feed your body what it deserves

1. Prepare meals on Sunday, and freeze your food for the week
2. Prepare meals in bulk and eat left overs
3. Visit the web. There are several websites that have easy/fast/healthy recipes.

Remember. You. Are. Worth it!!!!!!

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