Monday, April 22, 2013

Mental Obstacle

WOW! Today's work out was one of the toughest so far. I did an hour on the elliptical. I burned 457 calories. I was not able to push as hard as I usually do. I was able to stay on the elliptical for an hour, but I wanted to get off soooo bad. I was extremely bored and exhausted. Usually I have enough mental toughness to push through, and although I did today, I still feel as though I fell short. Then I realized somethings. 
1. I still burned 457 calories
2. I still worked out for an hour
3. I still ate EXTREMELY healthy today
4. I still got on the elliptical
5. I am still DOING THIS
6. I have hundreds of supporters behind me (THANK YOU!!!!)

I also realized my sleeping duration has really not been great the past few days. I've had so much energy at night that I stay up too late. Getting up early creates a deficit that is hindering my ability to be able to talk myself through some of this fatigue.

Goal to Tackle This:
1. REST. I am going to bed early tonight
2. Listen to my body

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