Friday, April 12, 2013

End of Week 4

Week 4 weigh in: 11 pounds lost
What weighs 11 pounds: Average housecat
Size lost: 1 size
Clothes to Goodwill: 1 pair jeans that I can pull off and on without unbuttoning

Weekly Fitness
Body Pump: 60 min
Bike Ride: 1.0 mile (First time on a bike in 10 years)
Walk: 8.63 miles
Eliptical: 40 min
Yoga: 20 min
Benefits Felt:
Katelyn's hands now overlap when she hugs me
Both girls were able to snuggle on the couch with me, without being too squished
Sat in a booth this week without anxiety
Energy level is up
Stress level lower
Able to wear fav pair of jean capri's

Bring on Week 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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